Chinese Learners Connect

Fostering a Passion for Learning Chinese

What is CLC

CLC is a FREE Tutoring Platform and Social Hub that encourages students of color to learn Chinese language and culture.

  • Personalized: Minorities are severely underrepresented in Chinese language classrooms. Learn from other students of color who speak Chinese!
  • More than learning: Make real connections with real high school and college students!
  • Convenient: Work with your tutor to book the best time for YOU!
  • Interactive: Learn the way that suits You!

Why Chinese?

  • 15 percent of the world speaks Chinese, with over 1 billion global speakers.
  • China has one of the fastest-growing economies. Chinese is one of the most
    important languages to know for career and professional advancement. 
  • Chinese is NOT hard. Chinese has simple grammar structures.

Why CLC?

Dedication to Promoting Diversity

Are you the only Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Indigenous, or person of color in your Chinese language class? Here at CLC, we know that feeling all too well. There is indeed a major underrepresentation of certain ethnic groups learning Chinese. That’s why we are here for YOU. CLC is not your average tutoring service; we are a community. We support, provide, and care for each other. Most importantly, we learn from each other! Join our community and foster a love for the Chinese language and culture in your community!

Supporting Future Pioneers

China has one of the world’s fastest-growing and expansive economies, with the world’s fastest-growing consumer market. Many businesses operate in China, so there is a massive new exigency for bilingual Chinese and English speakers. When you learn with CLC, you are opening the gates to a plethora of professional opportunities and an emerging Chinese market. At CLC, we are fostering the future generation of international entrepreneurs, political scientists, diplomats, and many more!

Bridging Barriers

Only 3.5% of students learning a foreign language take Chinese. We understand that many students may not have resources or programs to learn Chinese in their schools. Don’t worry, CLC is here! Join CLC with any level of Chinese proficiency; we don’t discriminate. Help us promote this beautiful language and culture!